HackerSchool: Sicher im Netz
Dies ist ein Entwurf für einen Kurs bei der HackerSchool zum Thema Sicherheit im Netz.
Dies ist ein Entwurf für einen Kurs bei der HackerSchool zum Thema Sicherheit im Netz.
Dies ist die Kursbeschreibung für den HTML / CSS Anfängerkurs der im Rahmen der HackerSchool for Girls entstanden ist.
Dies ist ein Kursentwurf für einen WordPress Kurs der für die HackerSchool entstanden ist.
Just comming home from DevopsCon Munich where i was speaking at about “Best Practices for delivering secure WebAPIS”. API Security is realy something that i’m keen on talking about so i was looking forward to do my Session.
I was looking into a LAMP Server these days and had one effect that some pages became unresponsive over time. While the Error was not easy to detect and fix we decided to create a check script to check a certain URL and in case of a timeout server services would be restarted automatically. Not …
As part of my private life i sometimes help friends with their Webservers. Recently i had a case of a LAMP Server including Maria / MySQL DB. Some Queries lasted “forever” in the DB and consumed a lot of CPU. I created small script which looks into the DB and kills thoos querys. This Script …
After updating my Synolog DS216play to DSM6 i had issues with my external USB3.0 Drive which i use for Backups. It was no longer detected. After opening a Support Case and some forward and backward emails they team has implemented a solution. They created a task in the task planer which runs on bootup by …
This year is amazing. Right before the Nordic APIs Event i’ll have the oportunity to present at APIDAYS BERLIN & APISTRAT EUROPE 2015 . I personaly feel that the Europe seems to wake up on APIs and especialy Germany right now. Pretty amazing times. More about the content of my speach during the next days.
I’m thrilled to speak at Nordic APIs Tour 2015 in London, Copenhagen and Munich. My topic will focus on The Zeitgeist of Modern IT more Details to come in the next days!
In a lot of Situations people Mix REST vs. SOAP with the discussion about XML and JSON not considering that REST can transport both formats. I found an interessting article which provides a good intro and a good conclusion. http://www.programmableweb.com/news/xml-vs.-json-primer/how-to/2013/11/07